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O nas

Pozdravljeni vsi skupaj!

Smo prostovoljci Christadelphians iz Velike Britanije, ki želijo obiskati druge države, da bi posameznike seznanili z odličnimi novicami, o katerih lahko preberete na straneh Biblije.

Carl in Danielle Hinton, skupaj z Jaredom in Jane Shilvock ter drugimi iz naše skupnosti, že vrsto let obiskujejo, da bi druge seznanili s svojimi prepričanji in obiskali Christadelphians, ki tam živijo, ter pogovarjali in predstavili v različnih mestih in mestih države.


Sedež imamo v različnih delih Združenega kraljestva, Carl in Danielle živita v Northamptonu, na območju East Midlands, Jared in Jane pa na območju West Midlands. Na splošno violontirji pripadajo različnim krstadelphijskim cerkvam (ali cerkvam) v Veliki Britaniji, vendar se srečujejo, da bi sporočilo Svetega pisma širili v drugih državah, z drugimi prostovoljci iz naše krstadelphijske skupnosti, ki lahko pomagajo.

 Veselimo se srečanja na enem od naših dogodkov. Lahko pa nas kontaktirate za dodatne informacije in se bomo morda srečali ob drugi priložnosti, ko nas ali druge obiščejo.

Hello Everyone! We are volunteers of Christadelphians from the UK who want to visit other countries to let individuals know about the great news that can be read about in the pages of the Bible. 

Carl and Danielle Hinton along with Jared and Jane Shilvock and others from our community, have been visiting for many years to let others know about their beliefs and to  conduct visits to Christadelphians living there and to carry out talks and presentations in various cities and towns across the countries. 

We are based in different parts of the UK, Carl and Danielle live in Northampton, in the East Midlands area and Jared and Jane live in the West Midlands area. Generally violunteers belong to different Christadelphian ecclesias (or churches)  in the UK, but meet up to spread the Bible message in other countries, with other volunteers from our Christadelphian community who can also help. 

We look forward to meeting you at one of our events. Alternatively, contact us for further information and we may be able to  meet you on another occasion when we or others are visiting. 

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